# Contributing to entropy through code
A Robot Operating System (ROS) supported Gazebo simluation of a self-driving car powered by a CNN.
Check It OutCompared the performances of SGD, AdaGrad and RMSProp optimizers on a LeNet-5 network using MNIST data.
Check It OutPredicting pass and run plays for the 2021 NFL season using 6 classification algorithms including Neural networks, Random Forests etc.
Check It OutResearched convex hull computing algorithms and their subsequent use in collision detection in self-driving cars.
Check the report hereA C++ system to manage dynamically 2 accounts : a savings account and a stock portfolio based on trading of stocks as well as normal banking activities (deposits and withdrawals).
Check It OutCreated a web-based 3D visualization of maps for the HERE Highly automated driving division. Used Ubers graphic library deck.gl for my senior year internship
Check It OutUsed blockchain technology to host a health parameter monitoring system. Used MongoDB, JavaScript, PHP and hosted the web-app on Heroku.
Check It OutUsed AWS RDS and Amazon Redshift to create databases and setup a web-app to squery them and display results. Used EC2 to host that web server
Conducted user-research, prototyping and user-testing for an app that will help students return to campus post COVID-19 pandemic.
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